Ballarat Gymsports

Class Information


All participants in our programs are required to be registered with Gymnastics Victoria each year (Jan 1st to Dec 31st). This registration fee is Australian wide and covers such things as State membership, National Accident Insurance, Australian Music License fee, Club Affiliation, Cheerleading (where applicable) and access to RAD Centre discounts.

At Ballarat Gymsports, we average the cost of the Registration fees to make this component equitable for all participants in our club. This also allows for participants to move easily between recreational and competitive classifications without incurring any further charges.

We are required to register participants within the first 4 weeks of their commencing with Gymsports. Please note also that these fees are non-refundable once we pay Gymnastics Victoria.

Where a gymnast transfers from another Club in to Ballarat Gymsports, the 2025 Annual Membership fee will initially be applied to the family account, and upon successful acceptance of the transfer between the outgoing club and Ballarat Gymsports, the fee will be credited back to the family account.


All participants are charged tuition fees (the price is dependent upon the program/s attending). Tuition fees are calculated on the length of the class enrolled in and then multiplied by the number of hours training per fortnight block. For those participants enrolling mid-payment block, tuition fees are adjusted accordingly. You are responsible for payment of your tuition whether or not you attend (missed classes must be paid for), until the time you notify the office VIA EMAIL or the online WITHDRAWAL form of ceasing training.

Tuition fees, unless stated otherwise or an agreed ACTIVE installment plan is in place, are due at the commencement of tuition (first two weeks in advance). Please ensure that your nominated card has the amount required available to avoid additional $10 reprocessing bank charges passed on to us.

Where tuition and/or any other fees owed to Ballarat Gymsports remain unpaid after the first 2 weeks, the participant may, at the discretion of the management:

– Be suspended and/or have their membership cancelled
– The initiation for the recovery of any outstanding fees along with any interest and associated recovery costs from the customer (currently as set by the ATO)
– Have an additional administration fee of $10 applied
– Forfeit all original discounts applied to the account


The club’s preference is fortnightly Direct Debit, however we may be able to offer, under certain conditions, one of the following payment methods (please pre-arrange this with Reception first):

  • Cash
  • Credit Card
    Also available through the Parent Portal
  • EFT
    Bank: Commonwealth Bank
    Account: Ballarat Gymsports
    BSB: 063-862
    ACCT: 10408359


Non Competition Program Members
Ballarat Gymsports does not offer refunds for classes missed. Members wishing to terminate their enrollment in a program prior to the end of the enrollment block must notify the office in writing using the online Withdrawal form. A credit will be provided to the members account from the time of acceptance of the written communication. Credits may only be used for direct family members on Gymsports Programs (not merchandise).
Injured participants in regular programs may suspend their enrollment and receive a credit to their account by notifying us in writing. Credit is not provided for classes missed prior to notifying Gymsports. Gymsports does permit 2 make-up sessions per school term, where class numbers permit. Participants wishing to maintain their place in the class must remain enrolled and pay gymnastics tuition.
Any credit provided is at the absolute discretion of Ballarat Gymsports.

Competition Program Members
Ballarat Gymsports does not offer refunds for classes missed. Competition members are required to provide 21 days written notice of their intention to discontinue in our program. A credit will be provided to the members account from the time of acceptance of the written communication. Credits may only be used for direct family members on Gymsports Programs (not merchandise).
Injured gymnasts in the competition program will be expected to continue modified training as advised by the Medical team. Those on 6 hours or more training per week may (in consultation with their coach) reduce training hours during injury periods but not to less than ½ regular training hours. In this case a credit for the reduction in hours will be applied (please note – hourly rates decrease as training hours increase thus a 50% reduction in training hours will not mean a 50% reduction in fees).
Any credit provided is at the absolute discretion of Ballarat Gymsports.

School Holiday Program Enrollments / Special Events
Ballarat Gymsports does not offer refunds or credits for School Holiday Program enrollments or Special Events except in the following circumstances:
Injury / Illness where a doctor’s certificate is provided and 24 hours written notice (minimum) has been provided. Requests for credit must be in writing.
A credit will be provided to the members account from the time of acceptance of the written communication. Credits may only be used for direct family members on Gymsports Programs (not merchandise).



Make up classes are only offered where available space exists in another appropriate class. Should you be unable to attend your regular scheduled class please contact the office to see if availability in a similar class exists. A maximum of 2 make up classes are available in any one school term (if available). Those in competition program classes will only be permitted make up classes after consultation with their respective coach. No refunds are provided for classes missed.
Make Ups are not provided for School Holiday Program enrollments.
Make up classes cannot be transferred to other persons or programs of Ballarat Gymsports.


Warm up is a critical part of all of our programs and is essential to ensuring all participants are physically and mentally prepared for their impending activity. Please ensure you arrive early to class and are dressed and ready well before starting time. When class is due to commence, a Gymsports staff member will call upon the students to come onto the floor area where a group warm up is performed. Children are then split into classes dependent on the mix of students which we have in the time-slot. For safety reasons parents and siblings not enrolled in that class are not permitted in the training hall during our after-school and weekend classes.

Participants are dismissed inside the gym. participants are not permitted to wait outside for parents but should wait in the viewing area to ensure they are safe. Parents are advised to please come inside to pick up your child, we ask that you please reinforce this behaviour by asking your child to wait inside for you.

Ballarat Gymsports whilst providing a safe area for early arrivals and late pickups, accepts no responsibility for children dropped off early or picked up late from class. Children arriving early for class, have the ability to sit upstairs and complete school homework using the Free WiFi provided. Our coaches usually have other classes which they must take responsibility for and therefore cannot continue to supervise children if they are not collected. Children should be advised to contact the office or their coach if nobody arrives to pick them up.