In 2024 we are supporting the Ballarat Toy Run charity to assist those families over the Christmas period with gifts for their children.
The Friendship Cup is designed to be a fun, slightly competitive event open to all competitive program gymnasts at Ballarat Gymsports, from levels 1 upwards.
Gymnasts compete in a combined team format that may consist of multiple Gymsports and multiple levels, making for an exciting time.
Gymnasts perform their current, or even modify their routine with some new skills to add that extra layer of dazzle for spectators.
There will be extra matting, permissible spotting and modified equipment permitted, gymnasts are encouraged to dress up (as long as it is safe to perform in) without any deductions.
The event is all about promoting and encouraging friendship (hence the name), along with developing team bonding and sportsmanship.
Gymnasts, Parents, Siblings, Families and Spectators are heavily encouraged to also dress up and share in the fun, there may even be some awards or prizes for this!
Judging is performance based and we will be looking to second some parents to assist with the judging of the event.
Finally, the event is all about having some fun, lots of smiles and creating friendships!
Event Date: Saturday 30th November 2024
Event Time: Warm Up Commences 1:30pm
Entries: Are open now via the event webform. Entries will close on Saturday 23rd Nov.
Event Entry Cost: Donation of a toy for the Toy Run Appeal. This can also be a game, something suitable for a child, please leave it un-wrapped.
Events: Gymnasts may perform for their team up to a maximum of 4 routines from the list below:
Floor | Beam | Uneven Bars | High Bar | Parallel Bars | Trampoline Double Mini Tramp | Rings | Tumbling
Team Composition: As entries are received, gymnasts will be placed into their event teams.
Team members will be advised of their members once entries have been finalised.
Awards: Team apparatus 1st to 6th place
Team All Around 1st to 6th place
Best dressed Gymnast
Best dressed Crowd supporter
Judges encouragement award – Individual
The Fyn Bravery Award (trying something new)
Most Important: All Gymnasts, Spectators, Coaches, Judges and anyone else attending will be expected to smile, encourage, chant and cheer!
As gymnasts enter the event, they will be randomly placed into a team. Teams will comprise a mixture of gymsports and levels allowing us to make the event even more fun and challenging. We are, at this stage envisioning between 6 to 8 teams for the event.
This method will hopefully promote new friendships and team bonding, especially between gymnasts who may never have met each other before.
Once entries have closed, Saturday 23rd November, gymnasts will be advised of their team details, such as fellow gymnasts, rotations, etc. The team will also have a captain appointed whose job will be to ensure their team has a name, work together on the day of the event, and if possible, unified team theme (where possible).
We also encourage team supporters to also get behind their gymnast and team by adopting their theme (there are prizes for this!).
Gymnasts compete and are scored to achieve the title of ultimate Friendship Cup winners.
Gymnasts will elect which apparatus they will compete on, with a maximum of 4 being selected upon arrival for the event. They may select and mix apparatus from any of the Gymsports listed below:
WAG: Floor | Beam | Uneven Bars
MAG: Floor | Single Bar | Rings | Parallel Bars
TRP: Trampoline | Double Mini Tramp | Tumbling
Gymnasts have the option to compete their current level or add new skills they have been learning. A minimum of 5 skills must be performed on all apparatus except for Tumbling and Double Mini Trampoline.
Gymnasts may also request extra matting, and / or assistance with a skill without receiving any deductions. They are however encouraged to keep their routine flowing as much as possible.
All routines and performances will be judged on flair, creativity and execution only, nice and simple for our judges also!
Gymnasts may use music with their routine, which may also include words with no deductions.
Scoring will be out of a maximum of 10.00 points, regardless of skill difficulty performed. Any fall from an apparatus or on the floor will only result in a 0.5 points deduction.
Gymnasts may perform a maximum of 4 routines. The top 3 to 5 scores for each apparatus in each team will count towards the final team score. Where there is less than this for any apparatus, a recalculation based on the number competing will be made and used.
Team scores determine the Friendship Cup overall winner/s.
Best 3 to 5 (depending on team sizes and apparatus) are used to achieve the winning scores.
This is NOT an individual gymnast event but rather a team event.
Team Apparatus: 1st to 6th place
Team All Around: 1st to 3rd place
Best Looking Team: 1st to 3rd place
Best Support From The Crowd: 1 Individual or Family
Judges Encouragement Awards: Multiple
The Fyn Bravery Award: 1 Individual gymnast
Who can enter: The event is open to all Ballarat Gymsport
Competitive Athletes from WAG, MAG, TRP, TUM, DMT, CHEER & MASTERS.
Entry Cost: Donation of 1 un-wrapped toy present per entry.
Closing Date: Saturday 23rd November 2024.
How To Enter: Any one of the following methods…
Via Webform